
Promoting advocacy and thought leadership for SAICA Members and the country to make a difference in the economy and society

The Standards division contributes to developing proposed new standards and legislation, engages with stakeholders on strategic initiatives to get buy-in and collaboration, and promotes this via thought leadership through channels such as television, radio and print media.

Through collaboration with member structures, providing input and building relationships with local, and global standard setters and legislatures to reach local and global consensus, Standards supports members with the knowledge they need to excel and advocates on their behalf to shape standards and support effective legislation, standard-setting and public policy.

Focus areas

  • Formulating positions on behalf of the profession in collaboration with member structures, technical and standards policy
  • Engaging stakeholders to advocate SAICA’s technical and standards policy positions
  • Collaborating with stakeholders to inform processes, implement standards and communicate changes
  • Developing or hosting thought leadership interventions and positions on behalf of the profession in respect of future technical and standards positions
  • Play an advocacy role in improving legislation within the public sector
  • Grow the future CA(SA) pipeline and improve the quality of education
  • Technical support and guidance for members
  • Promotion of the consolidated trust reconstruction programme
  • Ensuring future relevance of the profession
  • Promoting and supporting the leadership roles members are expected to play in the economy and society
  • Promoting relevance and reputation of the profession and SAICA by representing SAICA on both local and international decision-making and advocacy platforms and structures
  • International Standards of Quality Management

Promoting advocacy and thought leadership for SAICA Members and the country to make a difference in the economy and society

The Standards division contributes to developing proposed new standards and legislation, engages with stakeholders on strategic initiatives to get buy-in and collaboration, and promotes this via thought leadership through channels such as television, radio and print media.

Through collaboration with member structures, providing input and building relationships with local, and global standard setters and legislatures to reach local and global consensus, Standards supports members with the knowledge they need to excel and advocates on their behalf to shape standards and support effective legislation, standard-setting and public policy.

Focus areas

  • Formulating positions on behalf of the profession in collaboration with member structures, technical and standards policy
  • Engaging stakeholders to advocate SAICA’s technical and standards policy positions
  • Collaborating with stakeholders to inform processes, implement standards and communicate changes
  • Developing or hosting thought leadership interventions and positions on behalf of the profession in respect of future technical and standards positions
  • Play an advocacy role in improving legislation within the public sector
  • Grow the future CA(SA) pipeline and improve the quality of education
  • Technical support and guidance for members
  • Promotion of the consolidated trust reconstruction programme
  • Ensuring future relevance of the profession
  • Promoting and supporting the leadership roles members are expected to play in the economy and society
  • Promoting relevance and reputation of the profession and SAICA by representing SAICA on both local and international decision-making and advocacy platforms and structures
  • International Standards of Quality Management

role in value creation

The Standards division of SAICA is responsible for building the organisation’s intellectual capital and providing technical support and guidance to its members. This is achieved through regular newsletters, guides, seminars, events, and research publications, as well as through direct contact with SAICA for queries on technical and operational matters. The division plays a vital advocacy role by representing the best interests of SAICA’s members, the profession, and the country through collaboration with members and strategic alliances partners and forums. This helps maintain and grow SAICA’s global presence and attractiveness, as evidenced by brand awareness and trust surveys.


In 2022, SAICA Standards was able to reengage with members face to face through technical roadshows, presentations, and training in Europe, the UK, and Australia. This created excitement among members and reignited the SAICA brand for those who live away from South Africa. SAICA’s presence on the global stage creates enormous value for the organisation’s brand strength, making it deeply respected, valued, and employed globally.

The division plays an advocacy role in audit and assurance, taxation, corporate reporting, sustainability, corporate governance, ethics, and public sector matters. Stakeholder engagement is critical in building strong relationships to reach local and global consensus on standards setting and legislation.

role in value creation

The Standards division of SAICA is responsible for building the organisation’s intellectual capital and providing technical support and guidance to its members. This is achieved through regular newsletters, guides, seminars, events, and research publications, as well as through direct contact with SAICA for queries on technical and operational matters. The division plays a vital advocacy role by representing the best interests of SAICA’s members, the profession, and the country through collaboration with members and strategic alliances partners and forums. This helps maintain and grow SAICA’s global presence and attractiveness, as evidenced by brand awareness and trust surveys.


In 2022, SAICA Standards was able to reengage with members face to face through technical roadshows, presentations, and training in Europe, the UK, and Australia. This created excitement among members and reignited the SAICA brand for those who live away from South Africa. SAICA’s presence on the global stage creates enormous value for the organisation’s brand strength, making it deeply respected, valued, and employed globally.

The division plays an advocacy role in audit and assurance, taxation, corporate reporting, sustainability, corporate governance, ethics, and public sector matters. Stakeholder engagement is critical in building strong relationships to reach local and global consensus on standards setting and legislation.

role in value creation continued...

In 2022, the division arranged 81 events that reached over 34 000 members, with an average overall rating of 4,44 out of 5, indicating a satisfaction score of 88%. The presenters, both local and international subject experts, demonstrate the high esteem that they hold for SAICA and its members. The Standards division provided 184 media interventions (articles, member profiles and interviews) which resulted in 410 media exposures valued at an advertising value equivalent of R19,5 million worth of media exposure, thereby strengthening the reputation of the CA(SA) designation and SAICA for the benefit of its members.

The Standards team played an integral role in the advocacy achieved by SAICA in 2022, with over 100 submissions made to regulators, local and international standard-setters, and structures of Parliament. This advocacy was undertaken with the primary goal of acting in the public interest and furthering the constitutional mandate of protecting members’ interests. They manage five of the six prescribed committees in terms of SAICA’s by-laws and 43 structures comprising more than 1 000 members, who give over 6 000 hours of their time to these structures collectively. This is a tribute to the membership who give generously of their time to assist the Standards team in fulfilling its advocacy and thought leadership goals.

Overall, the work of the Standards division is critical to SAICA’s strategic pillars of relevance and reputation, member value and growth, and transformation. Its advocacy role, stakeholder engagement, and events and publications contribute to creating new knowledge and providing technical support and guidance to SAICA’s members, enhancing the organisation’s global presence and brand strength, and fulfilling its constitutional mandate of protecting members’ interests.

role in value creation continued...

In 2022, the division arranged 81 events that reached over 34 000 members, with an average overall rating of 4,44 out of 5, indicating a satisfaction score of 88%. The presenters, both local and international subject experts, demonstrate the high esteem that they hold for SAICA and its members. The Standards division provided 184 media interventions (articles, member profiles and interviews) which resulted in 410 media exposures valued at an advertising value equivalent of R19,5 million worth of media exposure, thereby strengthening the reputation of the CA(SA) designation and SAICA for the benefit of its members.

The Standards team played an integral role in the advocacy achieved by SAICA in 2022, with over 100 submissions made to regulators, local and international standard-setters, and structures of Parliament. This advocacy was undertaken with the primary goal of acting in the public interest and furthering the constitutional mandate of protecting members’ interests. They manage five of the six prescribed committees in terms of SAICA’s by-laws and 43 structures comprising more than 1 000 members, who give over 6 000 hours of their time to these structures collectively. This is a tribute to the membership who give generously of their time to assist the Standards team in fulfilling its advocacy and thought leadership goals.

Overall, the work of the Standards division is critical to SAICA’s strategic pillars of relevance and reputation, member value and growth, and transformation. Its advocacy role, stakeholder engagement, and events and publications contribute to creating new knowledge and providing technical support and guidance to SAICA’s members, enhancing the organisation’s global presence and brand strength, and fulfilling its constitutional mandate of protecting members’ interests.


Five of the six prescribed committees in terms of SAICA’s by-laws are managed by the SAICA Standards division. In total, and including these committees, the various subcommittees, work groups and interest groups, the Standards team manages 43 structures comprising more than 1 000 members. Applied as a collective, members give our institute more than 6 000 hours of their time to these structures. This is an incredible tribute to the membership who give so generously of their time to assist the Standards team in fulfilling our advocacy and thought leadership goals.


The below local and international forums and bodies are merely examples of the reach of the Standard’s division and its members who partake to represent the SAICA membership and its views.


Five of the six prescribed committees in terms of SAICA’s by-laws are managed by the SAICA Standards division. In total, and including these committees, the various subcommittees, work groups and interest groups, the Standards team manages 43 structures comprising more than 1 000 members. Applied as a collective, members give our institute more than 6 000 hours of their time to these structures. This is an incredible tribute to the membership who give so generously of their time to assist the Standards team in fulfilling our advocacy and thought leadership goals.


The below local and international forums and bodies are merely examples of the reach of the Standard’s division and its members who partake to represent the SAICA membership and its views.

local and international forums and bodies

local bodies

  • Recognised Controlling Body Forum. SAICA representative
  • SARB Financial Surveillance Exchange Control Project Group. SAICA representative
  • Specialist Committee on Company Law. Does not represent SAICA. Feedback provided to Legal Compliance Committee
  • eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL (SA)) NPC. Local jurisdiction of XBRL International

International bodies

  • Australian Tax Practitioner Board Consultative Forum
  • Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Technical Committee
  • Global Accounting Alliance (GAA) Sustainability Group. SAICA endorsed. Feedback provided to Executive Director: Standards and Sustainability Technical Committee
  • GAA Tax Directors Group. Subgroup of GAA. SAICA representative
  • International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). SAICA endorsed. Bruce Mackenzie as full-time IASB member. Feedback provided to the Accounting Practice Committee (APC)
  • IASB Emerging Economies Group (EEG). SAICA representative
  • IASB’s Accounting Advisory Forum. Feedback provided to Accounting Practices Committee (APC)
  • IASB’s SME Implementation Group (SMEIG). SAICA endorsed. Feedback provided to Accounting Practice Committee (APC)
  • International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Advisory Council. SAICA endorsed
  • IFRS Interpretations Committee
  • International Auditing and Assurance Board (IAASB). SAICA representative. Feedback to AGC
  • International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (IESBA) Technical Advisor. Feedback provided to Ethics Committee
  • International Federation of Accountants (IFAC). SAICA PAIB representative. Feedback provided to Chief Executive Officer
  • International Fiscal Association (IFA). SAICA representative
  • International Public Sector Accounting Board
  • International Valuation Standards Council (IVSC). SAICA representative
  • Pan African Federation of Accountants (PAFA) Standard Setting Forum Alternate SAICA position. Feedback provided to Accounting Practices Committee
  • The Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy – The Public Finance International Advisory Panel. SAICA endorsed. Feedback provided to Executive Director: Standards
  • Value Reporting Foundation (VRF). SAICA endorsed. Feedback provided to IRC(SA) and Manco



local and international forums and bodies

local bodies

  • Recognised Controlling Body Forum. SAICA representative
  • SARB Financial Surveillance Exchange Control Project Group. SAICA representative
  • Specialist Committee on Company Law. Does not represent SAICA. Feedback provided to Legal Compliance Committee
  • eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL (SA)) NPC. Local jurisdiction of XBRL International

International bodies

  • Australian Tax Practitioner Board Consultative Forum
  • Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Technical Committee
  • Global Accounting Alliance (GAA) Sustainability Group. SAICA endorsed. Feedback provided to Executive Director: Standards and Sustainability Technical Committee
  • GAA Tax Directors Group. Subgroup of GAA. SAICA representative
  • International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). SAICA endorsed. Bruce Mackenzie as full-time IASB member. Feedback provided to the Accounting Practice Committee (APC)
  • IASB Emerging Economies Group (EEG). SAICA representative
  • IASB’s Accounting Advisory Forum. Feedback provided to Accounting Practices Committee (APC)
  • IASB’s SME Implementation Group (SMEIG). SAICA endorsed. Feedback provided to Accounting Practice Committee (APC)
  • International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Advisory Council. SAICA endorsed
  • IFRS Interpretations Committee
  • International Auditing and Assurance Board (IAASB). SAICA representative. Feedback to AGC
  • International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (IESBA) Technical Advisor. Feedback provided to Ethics Committee
  • International Federation of Accountants (IFAC). SAICA PAIB representative. Feedback provided to Chief Executive Officer
  • International Fiscal Association (IFA). SAICA representative
  • International Public Sector Accounting Board
  • International Valuation Standards Council (IVSC). SAICA representative
  • Pan African Federation of Accountants (PAFA) Standard Setting Forum Alternate SAICA position. Feedback provided to Accounting Practices Committee
  • The Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy – The Public Finance International Advisory Panel. SAICA endorsed. Feedback provided to Executive Director: Standards
  • Value Reporting Foundation (VRF). SAICA endorsed. Feedback provided to IRC(SA) and Manco